Get Relief for Your Home with Fannie Mae



If you’re struggling to make your mortgage payments, Fannie Mae may be able to help. As a government-sponsored enterprise, Fannie Mae provides support to homeowners in various ways, including mortgage relief options.

One of the most significant programs offered by Fannie Mae is the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP). This program is designed to help homeowners who are current on their mortgage payments but have little to no equity in their homes. With HARP, homeowners can refinance their mortgage at a lower interest rate, potentially saving them hundreds of dollars per month on their mortgage payments.

Fannie Mae also offers assistance to homeowners who are struggling to make their mortgage payments through its Flex Modification program. This program provides a loan modification solution that can reduce the homeowner’s monthly payment and help them avoid foreclosure.

Additionally, Fannie Mae provides other resources and tools on its Your Home website to help homeowners understand their options and make informed decisions. The website includes information on foreclosure prevention, refinancing, and resources for those who are facing financial hardship.

If you’re a homeowner and need help with your mortgage, don’t hesitate to contact Fannie Mae for assistance. You may be eligible for one of their programs or resources to help you keep your home and avoid foreclosure.

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